Keeping a sketchbook is a fundamental part of my identity. I have always had a sketchbook. Even in periods of my life when I didn’t draw very much, I still had a sketchbook. Perhaps it sat on my shelf, neglected, gathering dust, but it was still there. It still occupied a region of my mind. And it taunted me. In the end, it was my sketchbook that reminded me to return to art and illustration after a long unintentional hiatus.
And now, the shelf above my desk is spilling over with sketchbooks. Periodically, I pull them down and flick through. There is always a surprise to be found in them. Something I didn’t value at the time and it was forgotten. I have forgotten that person. I don’t remember what they were thinking about, but the image reminds me and I can see it from a distance without self-judgment. It no longer represents a datum of my self esteem. I am someone else looking at the previous version of me. Much like looking through other people’s sketchbooks. I take it for what it is. An unencumbered experiment with visual ideas. That, to me, is what a sketchbook should be.
It is not designed for others to look at, although, a sketchbook is probably one of the most fascinating things an artist will ever produce. It is like a diary. Painfully honest and downright drab sometimes. No one wants the wrong person peeking through those thoughts. Only the sympathetic eye can look and appreciate these things. There are gems and there are duds. There is ego-stricken conceit and wild abandon. If you look closely, you can see the real person peeking behind their lies in a sketchbook. You can see how they hide themselves or how they want the world to see them. But a sketchbook gets most interesting when the veil is lifted. When a person draws or paints purely for themselves. When they play with ideas without the baggage of feeling perceived by others.
That being said, I do like to look through sketchbooks where every page has a beautifully finished illustration. There are a number of artists that I admire who do this but I’m not sure I would define such a book as a ‘sketch’ book. Maybe an art book? Which gets to the definition of ‘sketch’. Merriam-Webster defines it:
a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study
So it is the first conception of an idea that could form the basis of a finished piece of art. I draw sketches for many reasons. Sometimes I draw studies of objects so that I can understand them better. More often, I draw sketches to work out how to compose an idea. It is a quick way to understand if the vision in your head can be transposed to the page. But, for me, the sketchbook is a place where I can play with ideas. Play with drawing styles and techniques. Play with concepts. Doodle. In school I would get into trouble for doodling. Now it pays the bills.
So here you go. Some videos of me flicking through my sketchbooks. It was quicker than scanning everything in. These are not designed for viewing pleasure but perhaps they satisfy a curiosity in you. I am exposing myself here. But, nothing indecent. I hope. Have a peek
Thanks for reading. Watching
Thoroughly enjoyed these. Thanks for sharing!
I’m struck by the parallels between the writing process and the drawing process. Nice to have it unpacked by someone skilled at both.